2008年4月5日 星期六

第四課 靈命操練(二):禱讀和寫靈程札記

第四課 靈命操練(二):禱讀和寫靈程札記
Lesson 4 Spiritual growth practice (2): “Reading bible & pray” and writing spiritual journal

一. 禱讀Read & pray
1. 什麼是禱讀?讀聖經,化經文為禱文,用神的話禱告。
What is “reading bible & pray”? To read the bible scriptures, then pray using the scriptures.


2. 禱讀的好處The advantages of “read & pray”
是靈命更新的禱告(如同肉體生命的〝呼〞與〝吸〞)。It is a prayer of spiritual revival. (just like inhale & exhale of the human body)
是合神心意的禱告(雅4:2-3, 約15:7) It is a prayer with God’s will.
是大有功效的禱告(來4:12, 徒4:24-31) It is a prayer of great effectiveness.
3. 操練Practice

二. 靈程札記Spiritual journal
1. 什麼是靈程札記?What is spiritual journal
用筆操練神的同在。是向神說話的記錄,記載與神的關係。透過與神的對話,描述出一個人的靈命。Use written words to experience God’s presence. It is a record of talking to God. It contains your relationship with God. It shows a person’s spiritual life through talking to God.
藉以追溯神曾經在我们身上的作為的工具。(出16:32-35) It is a tool to trace back to God’s work on us.

2. 靈程札記的內容Contents of spiritual journal:
與主談心,祂是最知心的朋友。To have an intimate (heart to heart) talk with God. He is our bosom friend.
寫下對主的敬拜、讚美、渴慕、感謝。To write down your worship, praise, admiration & thanksgiving to God.
告訴主內心深處對周遭事務的感受。To tell God how you feel inside of your heart about things happened around you.
告訴主內心的掙扎、軟弱、各樣情緒等等。To tell God about your struggle, weakness and all kinds of emotions.
向主認罪、悔改。To confess & repent to God.
向主呼求、禱告。To cry out or pray to God.
向主分享從靈修得到的亮光,對生命的幫助或是對主的立志。To share with God about the insight you received through devotion. To share with God about the help you received from Him or the determination you made before Him.
與主無話不談。To share everything with God.

3. 寫靈程札記的目的The purpose of writing spiritual journal
使內心敏銳,操練與神同在,活在神的面前。To be sensitive spiritually. To practice living with God’s presence.

4. 如何及甚麼時間寫靈程札記How & when to write spiritual?
準備好固定的本子或記在電腦內。Prepare a journal book or record in the computer.
記得說話的對象是〝主〞,不是別人或自己。Remember the target that you talk to is God, not yourself or others.
克服心中的障礙,學習絕對誠實與真誠。神喜愛的是內裏的誠實。Learn to overcome the obstacle in your mind. Learn to be absolute honest & sincere to God. God loves us being honest to Him.
一般可於早晨,靈修前或靈修後,也可於睡覺前,選擇一段內心安靜的時間,單單與主相遇。或一有感觸、感恩的事立刻記下來。Usually you may write the spiritual journal in the morning, before or after devotion, or before you go to bed. Choose a period of time that your mind stays calm & quite to meet with God alone. You may write down the things you feel thankful or whenever you have a stirring of emotion.

5. 三個活出主耶穌的樣式的屬靈原則3 spiritual principles to live out of Jesus Christ’s life:
凡是主不喜悅的,就不說、不看、不想、不聽、不做。Do not say, look, think, listen and do the things that do not please God.
我還有什麼堅持,連主耶穌也改變不了?Is there anything that I have to insist even God can not change?
主怎麼說,我就怎麼做。Do whatever God tells me to do.
6. 實際操練Practice
