2008年4月17日 星期四

4/16/2008 Albert Pang's devotional journal

Albert Pang devotional journal


阿 摩 司 書 8:11
11 主 耶 和 華 說 : 日 子 將 到 , 我 必 命 饑 荒 降 在 地 上 。 人 飢 餓 非 因 無 餅 , 乾 渴 非 因 無 水 , 乃 因 不 聽 耶 和 華 的 話 。

It is tax time again, it is so tempting to file the tax in a dishonest manner, Lord, thanks for giving this verse to me.

Heavenly father, I pray that you constantly remind me of your presence. Help me to realize the important of your words. I ask that you can put your word above my knowledge, so that when situation comes, I will react according to what you tell me. Humble me, so that I won’t rely on my limited knowledge.
