Article One: Purpose
Chinese Christian Business Association (“Association”) is organized is to provide Chinese Christians, who are engaged in all business sectors, a platform for conducting Christian fellowships, training, and mentoring, charitable projects to communities, missionary activities, and business networking.
Article Two: Offices
The principle office of the Association will be located in Houston, Texas where its official business will be handled and the archives are kept. The office location may be changed and the Association may have such other offices, either within or outside the State of Texas, as the Board of Directors may designate or as the business of the Association may require from time to time. The current office address is:
6161 Savoy Drive, Suite 1030
Houston, Texas 77036
Phone: 713-785-9588
Fax: 713-785-9582
Article Three: Members
The membership of the Association consists of individual members and group members.
The member acceptance procedure is: recommendation from current member, completion of application form and approval from the Board Standing Committee.
The duty of each member is to participate in, support, and implement the mission of the Association. Each member is obligated to pay annual membership dues.
Members have the rights to express opinions, to vote, and to elect and be elected. Group members can exercise such through its legal proxies or authorized personnel.
The welfare of individual members and group members will be drawn up based on the necessity and the development at different stages described in the Member’s Handbook.
The general member meeting will be called by the board of directors if necessary. The announcements must be made to all members at least 30 days before the meeting.
The attendance of the general membership meeting must be more than half of the registered members.
The proposal for the general membership meeting shall be raised by the board of directors and must be passed by majority of the attendance.
Written proxies shall be allowed for eligible voters.
The chairperson of the board of directors shall preside the general membership meeting. He/ She can ask another director to chair the meeting on his / her behalf.
Article Four: Board of Directors
1. The board of directors shall consist of at least three members, but not more than seven.
2. The inaugural meeting of the Association shall generate the first board of directors.
3. The candidates of the board of directors shall be nominated by the current board members. With the consent of the board of directors, the candidates must obtain no less than two-thirds of all votes to be elected board member. The candidates must meet the following requirements:
(1) Member of the Association,
(2) Professional knowledge, experience and capability,
(3) More than one year experience in managing official works or on the committees of this association.
4. The term of the board of directors is three years. The board member can be reelected up to three terms. If the board member intends to be relieved of his or her office, the board member must submit the petition in writing at least one month before the resignation in order to keep the continuity of daily office work inside the Association.
5. The duty of the board member includes:
1) Publicize, implement and promote the mission of the Association in the work,
2) Take the responsibility for the resources, work and development of the Association,
3) Defend the benefit and figuration of the Association, and to fulfill what the Association assigned according to the constitution and regulation.
6. The board of directors is responsible for the important policy of the Association, which includes but is not limited to:
1) Enactment and amendment of the constitution
2) Adjustment of the members on the board
3) Deliberation and approval of the long-term development, budget, final accounts and working plan
4) Vote of the appointment and removal to the standing committee members
5) Vote of the important personnel change
7. The standing committee will consist of three to seven board members in each board term
to plan, implement and manage the daily official work. The members on the standing committee must be nominated by the board chairperson and obtain major votes from the board of directors.
8. The board of directors appoints one chairperson, secretary and treasurer, and one or two vice chairperson. The members on the standing committee normally take all these five positions.
9. The chairperson takes the responsibility for the board of directors to call and preside the meetings and office affairs.
10. Vice-chairperson can act for the chairperson with his (her) authorization.
11. The work of the board members is voluntary.
Article Five: Meetings of the Board of Directors
1. The board of directors calls general board meeting once a year.
2. The annual meeting of the board of directors and the standing committee meeting must be called by chairperson or vice chairperson. The secretary must keep all the notices and minute on file.
3. The chairperson should inform all board members the schedule (time and place) before the meetings. If the board member did not receive the meeting notice in writing, (s) he can take the signature to replace the written meeting notice before or during the meeting.
4. The legal attendance is two-thirds of the current board of directors.
5. All proposals of the board meetings must obtain at least two-thirds of the votes from the attendants to pass.
6. The absent board members can authorize other members to vote on behalf of the formers or to vote in writing for the pre-published proposals.
Article Six: Officers
1. The officers of the Association consist of president, vice-presidents, secretary, and treasure. Both the president and vice-president must be nominated by the director of the board and approved by the board of directors.
2. The president is in charge of presenting the annual working plans and reports to the board of directors, and implementing the decision of the board of directors.
3. The vice presidents assist president for carrying out working plans and managing the operations of the Association.
4. The secretary is in charge of keeping all the records of the association. and to assist the arrangement of all meetings.
5. The treasurer is in charge of all the financial management including accounting, financial operation and financial reports.
Article Seven: Miscellaneous
1. The Association reserves the rights to protect the board member and officer from lawsuit unless this member violated the law or regulations.
2. All paychecks must be signed with definite way by the person appointed by the board of directors. The annual accounting report must be done by the invited accounting company.
3. All files in the association are its property and must be kept in proper ways.
4. The association shall have its own stamp.
5. The financial year of the Association is from this July to the coming June.
6. This constitution could be amended by the board of directors if necessary. The amendment shall be carried out by the standing board committee.
7. The procedure to disband the Association is based on its policy. Once it is disbanded, its property shall be handled according to the laws for non-profit organization of United States of America and the related laws of State of Texas, and shall be transferred to other nonprofit organizations having similar missions and with (501)(c)(3) status.